Monday, September 5, 2016

Using Apache CXF initiate SOAP call

IN this blog i will be showing how to consume SOAP webservice in java by generating Client code using Apache CXF.

Prerequisites for this blog are as follows.
  1. Eclipse Mars
  2. Java
  3. Apache CXF
  4. WSDL file for any SOAP webservice.
Install CXF

Apache CXF can be downloaded from "CXF". After downloading setup, unzip it in your system. 

Configure cxf in eclipse. 

Go to Windows - Preferences - Webservice - CXF 2.0 Preferences

Then select CXF Runtime - click on Add - Specify CSF installed location - Click on Finish.

I have highlighted the steps with blocks in below screen shot.

Setting Up CXF in Eclipse

Create Web Project or Paste WSDL in existing project.

After configuring you need create Project in eclipse, or if you are using it in existing project then paste the WSDL file which you have received from service provider.

Next step will be to generate the client code

Right click on wsdl file, Go to - Webservice - Generate Client

Webservice Client popup will come, next specify the Configuration by clicking on the "Webservice runtime" link. In the Client configuration popup select "Apache CXF 2.x". Click OK.

Click next button, specify the package incase it needs to be changed. Otherwise keep everything default and finish the steps.

Steps to create Client Code

Once the client code
is generate. Following are the important note, which will help you in quick startup.
  •  Locate file which has name with * This is sample client code which is generated by CXF. This shows invocation steps.
  • Locate file which extends "", this is the main service class which will be utilized in invoking the service.

  GlobalWeather ss = new GlobalWeather();
  GlobalWeatherSoap port = ss.getGlobalWeatherSoap();  
  java.lang.String _getCitiesByCountry__return = port.getCitiesByCountry("Country Name");
  System.out.println("getCitiesByCountry.result=" + _getCitiesByCountry__return);
Incase you need to override the end point url, following code can be used to override the end point url.
  GlobalWeather ss = new GlobalWeather();
  GlobalWeatherSoap port = ss.getGlobalWeatherSoap();  
//code to override the end point
  BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) port;
    "NEW URL");

  java.lang.String _getCitiesByCountry__return = port.getCitiesByCountry("Country Name");
  System.out.println("getCitiesByCountry.result=" + _getCitiesByCountry__return);

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