Monday, June 27, 2011

String and String Buffer Comparison

Thinking java String concatenation internally uses StringBuffer to do the concatenation operation, we do concatenation as mentioned below in java code,

String str=a+b; a and b is string objects.

java compiler compiles above code in this fashion:

String str=(new StringBuffer()).append(a).append(b).toString());

    Above code creates two objects, and as you must be knowing that java maintains the string data in char array which is also an object so it creates 1 more object. So in total 3 objects gets created for one concatenation operation. Please note that object creation is one of the costliest operation in java.

    I created one test program just to see the performance difference and results were dramatic... i ran both loop in same program 1 million times. See the time difference... So based on below result its  recommended to use StringBuffer.append whenever you are doing any concatenation operation in java...

    time taken by string: 78080 (ms)
    time taken by String buffer: 31 (ms)

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